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BancTec Mobile Solutions February Newsletter
Newsletter for the Logistics, Retail and Supply Chain Industry
February 2008

In this issue:

Do you truely value your stock?

Officers Club prevent loss with eFIRST StockTake

Multi-platform devices available for eFIRST StockTake


Do you truely value your stock?

Keeping track of your stock levels is essential to improving stock management and to identify shrinkage. But paper based stock taking processes are time consuming, costly, labour intensive and the results gained can take days to prepare, making it difficult to investigate discrepancies. eFIRST StockTake is designed specifically to control the accuracy and to speed up the stock taking process.

eFIRST StockTake comes as a suite of applications for retailers to easily manage all areas of the shop floor and back of store operations. Hand held mobile computers are used to accurately capture data through barcode scanning, freeing up staff to peform sales and customer service tasks. A simple to use PC Front End manages the hand-held terminals and analyses the data for optimum control.

Features Include:

  • Importing of third party data
  • Stock movements and inter-branch transfers
  • Discrepancy reports
  • Review count
  • Data export
  • Printing product labels

If you would like to benefit from tighter stock control, faster stocktaking, better data quality and reduced costs, contact our sales team on: 01753 778899 or click here to send an email.

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Welcome to the February Newsletter highlighting the latest news from the BancTec eFIRST Mobile Solutions team.

  • Officers Club prevent loss with eFIRST StockTake
  • Officers Club the UK Menswear retailer with 180 stores, has installed a bespoke stocktaking system from BancTec.

    "The new stocktaking system is part of a much wider strategy we have implemented to substantially reduce loss, stock file inaccuracy and loss prevention related costs and well as providing management with more accurate and detailed information" commented Gerry Smith, Head of Loss Prevention at Officers Club. "We wanted to give loss prevention and store staff more ownership and accountability of the Stock taking process. eFirst StockTake has proven easy to use, highly reliable and extremely accurate."

    "Accurate stock file data is the life blood of the retail trade" said Smith. We now have far greater confidence in our stock records and thus can respond more effectively on replenishment and the transference of stock between stores".

  • Multi-platform devices available for eFIRST StockTake
  • RF Units

    Batch Devices that are recommended for eFIRST StockTake include the Denso BHT-8000 products and the Cipherlab 8000 portable terminals. Call our Sales Team on 01753 778899 for pricing and further information.

    RF Autoid units

    RF Devices that are recommended for eFIRST StockTake include the Denso BHT-300 products and the Cipherlab 8300 portable terminals

    :: +44 (0)1753 776762