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Press Release
BancTec Announces new Distributor Agreement with Cipherlab

1st December 2008- BancTec have recently signed a distributor agreement with Cipherlab to provide a stock holding service to improve their Channel Structure.  The Cipherlab range enhances the BancTec AutoID First Product range and this new agreement will provide resellers with a stock holding facility, access to the range of BancTec AutoID First software applications and support when required.
Cipherlab is a world leader in AIDC Solutions for a wide range of industries and their expertise is at the convergence of scanning, mobile computing and business process design.  The results? More efficient supply chains, Field Service Sales, Retail operation and reduced cost of doing business in almost every sector.

What this means to you:
Cipherlab 9400
In the past where you have perhaps ordered directly from Cipherlab, ordering from Exela AutoIDFirst will provide you with the best possible pricing and with a substantial stock in the UK will also reduce potential issues with lead times on items.  
Exela AutoIDFirst prides itself on service and its support capabilities.  We hope to provide you and your customers with an enhanced service.
For more information please call us on 01753-776762 or email us at
About BancTec.
BancTec's AutoID FIRST division has extensive experience of supplying quality hand held terminals for mobile scanning and printing applications used in retail, warehousing, logistics, healthcare and postal services. AutoID FIRST supplies only premium products from the leading manufacturers, so you can be confident that each solution combines the most modern and reliable devices available in the marketplace for every application.
BancTec have the complete package from applications and solutions to replacement units and repairs.  Please call us for further information on 01753-776762 or contact us on
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